Here's the advert for Brest / Britany show. I've also seen shows in Lille and Strasbourg in the following days. Other countries ? (nothing in England for now)
I don't know about anyone else, but my finals for college are next week, and I'm swamped with work. So for all of you who feel my pain, for whatever reason, I bring you treats.
Jim Harrington of The Concert Blog went to see Jonathan on December 7th, and wrote a tiny review, also asking if anyone out there could explain why they loved Jonathan so.
I just got home from seeing Jonathan Richman at the Great American Music Hall on Sunday night (Dec. 7). It was my second time seeing the singer-songwriter-guitarist (and his ever-present buddy-sidekick-drummer Tommy Larkins) in 2008. That’s not unusual (at least not for me).
I see Jonathan and Tommy at least once a year, usually more. I think my record is catching them a half-dozen times in a single year. And I would have seen them more that year, if I’d had the chance.
Another reviewlet of the 5th concert over at Boomvang:
Mitch and I got to go see Jonathan Richman on Friday night thanks to the babysitting prowess of our friend's Seth and Elise. It was a great concert. I felt like the universe gave me a small gift when Jonathan opened with some song about suffering that I had never heard before that had a chorus about how you can't avoid suffering and you can't refuse defeat because then Prozac wins and you become a really annoying falsely happy person. It was a message that found fertile ground in my current mood so I was happy to have the universe (through Jonathan) affirm that it is o.k. to be bummed out sometimes and that you should embrace your sadness sometimes.
Lastly, I bring an interview! This is from the live concert DVD "Take Me To The Plaza", which I recommend oh-so-highly. There are 2 parts, and I hope you enjoy my tiny gifts to you, and have a splendid week. Monday, I should return with a review of the Friday concert in Olympia.
I found the best little reviewlet on Concert Haikus (which, incidentally, I think is the coolest idea for a blog ever) from the El Rey show:
There are few people In this world that I love half As much as this man
And, submitted for your approval. The time: February 1984. The place: Matter magazine. Jonathan Richman interviewed in a small rock and roll magazine, lovingly brought to us by Swan Fungus.
While Richman, with seven LPs under his belt, has managed to build up a fiercely loyal core of fans in the past eight years or so, the larger public has remained ignorant of his uncompromising, highly idiosyncratic work. For many first-time listeners, Richman's unusual vocal style is an obstacle. Some might go so far as to say that the guy can't sing.
"That would make me feel sad inside, " says Richman. "I don't see myself as a talker: I see myself as a singer. A singer sings melodies. A song is something that's gotta be sung. So, I just sing 'em and write 'em."
Read the rest here. (It's a picture scan of the magazine. The rest of the issue is at the earlier link)
The December tour began last night, and I hope those of you who are able are getting out there! I, personally, am dragging 3 of my long-suffering friends 10 hours over snow drifts and mountains to go see him in Washington. To mark this festive occasion at the beginning of a festive season, I bring you pictures from the last tour, courtesy of tantrum_dan's flickr.
Jojoblog is maintained with respect by fans for fans. Jonathan Richman does not use the internet or own a computer. Any communication from him to the Jojoblog community is sent through his publicist, Debbie Gulyas of Blue Arrow Records.
To find out when Jonathan Richman and Tommy Larkins are coming near your town, send a letter with your neatly printed or typed address to Les Gripkey at: