Hello Jojo World,
You've probably heard of "Jonathan Goes Country". You've also may have heard of "Jonathan Goes Funky". (if you don't have it then look through old posts on this blog, at one time a link was posted to download it.)
Well, I would like to submit a new entry into the "Jonathan Goes ... " - "Jonathan Goes Oldies Covers"!
I am a huge fan of JR shows (new and old), and one thing that I have always enjoyed is all the old classics that he does. He must have done "Louie Louie" a trillion times in his life.
So, I put together a compilation of some of my favorite Jonathan Richman old Rhythm and Blues covers for everyone to enjoy.
Check out such classic renditions of "You Are", "Pearl", and "Peppermint Twist."
Possibly my favorite song is "My Guy" which is superbly sung by Ellie Marshall.
So, just go to this webpage(don't worry, no ads or any of that crap) and click on the songs to listen, or right click and select "save target as" to download.
Jonathan Plays Oldies Covers