Saturday, July 3

New book about Jonathan's songs


This link will lead you to a book written by JC Brouchard, a die-hard fan, about his selection of Jonathan's songs from the very beginning ("New teller") to nowadays production. It is a must read full of witty remarks and anecdotes.   Jacques

Monday, June 7

A new handwritten interview with Jojo

Despite my new rule about not reading musicians' "explanations" of what they are trying to do in their work, nor much about their personal lives, I peeked at this one and was amply rewarded. A good read! See especially his explanation about cell phones/computers. (H/t Ramon).

Tuesday, May 18

Great show posted by guest blogger

I’ve heard almost 200 Jonathan Richman bootlegs over the years and a lot of them aren’t worth mentioning because they are often poorly recorded. There are the occasional gems in even a poor recording but it is rare to find a bootleg which is both recorded well and outstanding from start to finish. Such a bootleg is the show from the Mean Fiddler, London, in 1988. Jonathan is having fun and the crowd is completely with him the whole way. If there was one show I could go back in time to see, it would be this one. So I had to share (I won’t leave the link up forever, so take a look while it’s there!) Ramon

Thursday, April 1

Unpacking Jonathan's Boston references; a travelogue of sorts

Interesting read about the geography of Boston as seen through a Jonathan Richman lens. Zachary Lamothe takes on the rather large task of spotting and explaining all Jonathan's Boston references over 50 years of activity, and bringing them to life for Bostonians and non-Bostonians alike.

Monday, February 8

Leroy Radcliffe has passed away, sadly. Jonathan is the only one of the four left from the Modern Lovers Live version of the band.

Here is an interview with Leroy from the jojofiles archive.